Monday, October 1, 2012

{ Oh, Fall, How I Love You }

Welcome Fall!  Oh how I love you!  For as long as I can remember, I have loved this time of year.  Anyone that knows me, knows for sure that I am not a summer, hot, sunshine loving gal.  I don't do well in the heat.  So when the air conditioning in my house and in my car broke this year, I wasn't sure how I would make it.  No job and only unemployment meant no a/c repairs as the mortgage and the furry kids come first.  But this week, the weather here in beautiful Virginia turned the corner and I survived the summer.  Fall has arrived and I am in heaven.  I sleep better, I smile more and even my many worries seem less intense.

The leaves crunching under my feet - what a glorious sound.  Welcome fall!
I love the falling leaves and the crunching under my feet.
My ivy grows rampant this time of year in the front yard and in the back and I just love the look of the ivy with some of the falling leaves thrown in.  Welcome fall!
My ivy in the front yard comes alive this time of year!  Love!
 There is nothing more beautiful than the lovely colors of the changing leaves on the trees in the front yard.  The sun peaks through but it is not a hot sun.  The colors are spectacular and really, this time of year is a time of renewal, a time of fresh starts and new adventures.  Welcome fall!
Oh the beauty of the changing colors in the trees in the front beautiful!
And of course, being all snuggly inside working on the laptop or watching tv - yes, I admit it, I am a tv addict and this is the best time of year for that as well since all the new show premiers are starting.  Welcome fall.
The kids and I love to sit and work (ok and we watch tv) curled up 
on the big chair with a light blanket.  Cozy, cozy!
And really, although I am not a fan of actual pumpkins (those weird orange blobs), there is nothing better than pumpkin-flavored anything. Yummy! One of my favorite dishes is my Vegan Pumpkin Chili and now is the perfect time to make it.  I will have to post that recipe once I make it in the next week or two.  Hearty soups, stews and chilis - it's finally cool enough to turn the oven on or have the crock-pot running all day.  Welcome fall!

Oh, Fall and sweater weather, I love you so! Welcome!

Until next time, friends, 



  1. Ok...over commenting here......but tonight I made a Butternut Squash Black Bean Chili that turned out pretty darn tasty! I will have the link on my blog tomorrow!

    1. Oh, that chili sounds good. I'll check your blog tomorrow for the recipe. Nothing better than a good chili or stew this time of year.
