Sunday, October 14, 2012

{ Restless Ramblings }

 I've been feeling a restlessness lately....I've been something is going to change....more particularly, that I need to change.....that it's time to change.  Perhaps the restlessness I'm feeling today is signaling that change is on the way. I think it's time.

Change.  It's scary and exhilarating at the same time.  
For so long now, I have had big dreams, big goals, big ideas, and will start but then...... then I stand still.  Instead of moving forward, I stand still and nothing really gets accomplished.  Perhaps it's part depression, but I think it's mostly fear.  Fear of change. Fear - wow.  That probably deserves a whole post of it's own, so I'll move on for now. :)

There are so many things that I need to change - that I want to change. Most importantly right now - I need to change my weight and my health.  I need to change my relationship with food and introduce myself to exercise. I've been doing the soul work required to change my unhealthy eating habits, but I think know that I need to kick it into high gear to not only continue to figure out the emotional aspects of my overeating and binging, but to make sure the pounds come off at the same time. Permanently.

I need to go through some of my papers, magazines, notebooks and consolidate and/or get rid of stuff that I just don't need.  I like to be organized but the last few months, my piles have gotten away from me.  Not to the hoarding level, but definitely not to my liking.
My Freida likes to help me go through my papers! :)
I need to go through my studio (an entire room devoted to my crafts and creations and scrapbooking) and downsize projects.  I haven't done anything in the studio for all of 2012.  How wasteful of me.  Time to change that.  I think I will stick to just a handful of crafts/creations. I will continue to scrapbook for pleasure and will continue making my bookmarks and blocks for my etsy store. The rest of the craft supplies and fun bits and bobs I will put up for sale in my ebay store.
I once had a grand idea to use scrabble tiles for some craft....
of course never used them.  Off to ebay they go.
So many things that need to change. So many things have been left undone.  Now is the time - the time to change.  Baby steps, right? If I just do one thing each day that will help me facilitate the changes I am looking for, I will make it.

And as luck would have it, tonight is trash night and I was able to get out four bags of "stuff", ready for the trash truck to take away.  It's a start folks! :)
Who would think that a picture of trash would make me so happy?
This picture symbolizes the beginning of change.
And finally, this is my view as I was writing this blog (well actually I was on Facebook at the moment I took the shot - guilty!).  Is there anything sweeter than my little Suzanne?  Her ears kill cute.
Suzanne and her ears = LOVE

Until next time, friends, 


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